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  Altiris Microsoft Installer Switches


Microsoft Installer Switches

Command-Line Switches for Self-Installing Microsoft Files
This is a list of common command-line switches you can use when implementing a self-installing update. You can use these switches with downloadable self-installing update files for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows2000, Windows XP and Internet Explorer. These switches do not work with all update files. Test first!

Switch Definition
/q Quiet mode - Skips all user prompts
/q:u User Quiet mode - Shows some dialog boxes
/q:a Admin Quiet mode - Does not show any dialog boxes
/t:path Extracts the files to the specified path
/c Extract only - Extracts the files without installing them
/c:path Change location of Setup file - Specifies the path to the Setup file if it is different from the default path
/r:n Never restart - Do not restart the computer even if it is necessary to complete the installation
/r:i Restart if necessary - Automatically restart the computer if it is necessary to complete installation
/r:a Always restart - Always restart the computer after installation
/r:s Silent restart - Automatically restart the computer without prompting the user
/n:v No version checking - Install the program over any previous version
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