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Computer Networking Management Tools

As of October 1, 2013 my services as an Altiris Consultant are available exclusively through JeepJazzMedia Solutions LLC.
Contact me directly at 973-222-5737.

I am an Altiris Authorized Consultant (AAC) and have broad experience installing and configuring the entire line of products. Every networking environment presents it's own unique challenges and many factors can impact the performance of the Altiris products. I have installed and configured Altiris systems on networks managing as few as 100 computers and as many as 50,000. 

My expertise includes:

Client Management Suite
Patch Management Solution
Asset Management Suite
HelpDesk Solution
Recovery Solution
Deployment Solution
Server Provisioning Suite
Desktop Migration Strategies
Package Server Planning
Altiris LAN/WAN Architecture

Dollar for dollar, feature for feature, there really is no competition. The inventory and reporting capabilities of the Notification Server combined with the real-time management and scheduling flexibility of Deployment Solution give you unparalleled control.

I have reorganized information from the userguides, white papers and personal experience in an attempt to present the primary Altiris topics in a much shorter "mini-course" format. There are also lists of available pre-configured Altiris Solution reports, notification policies and install descriptions with screen shots.

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All rights reserved.