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  Altiris Deployment Server
Support and Configuration
  Deployment Server 6.1 mini-course                                        BACK

These 7-10 page mini-tutorials cover the basics of Deployment Server and the applications that come with it. Topics include pre-requisites, agent install procedure and configuration, etc. These are not intended to replace the userguides. When you need some of the advanced features, you'll want to dig into the complete userguides.

Rapid Deploy, Rapid Install and Personality Transplant can all be run as stand alone programs or from within the DS console on groups of computers simultaneously. There are many options available using command line switches and DS variables.

There are no pre-configured reports or notification policies using Deployment Server alone. However, if NS and Deployment Solution are being used, then the Altiris Agent and DS Server Agent install on the Deployment Server allowing communication between the DS eXpress database and the NS Altiris database. This is the process that allows Deployment Solution to generate report(s) on your deployment server(s).

Default location of the Deployment Server userguides (.chm and .pdf formats):
C:\Program Files\Altiris\Deployment Server\Docs

Deployment Server Mini Tutorials
     Now available only in the Level 1 book!   
Deployment Server and Tools (all)   Now available only in the Level 1 book! 
Deployment Server   
Now available only in the Level 1 book!  
Deployment Agents  
Now available only in the Level 1 book!  
PC Transplant  
Now available only in the Level 1 book!  
PCT is a valuable migration tool. It can save configuration and application settings, folders, files of a specific type and much more that is unique to a given computer AND re-apply those settings, etc to the newly migrated PC. There are many custom switches and command line options available.
Rapid Deploy
   Now available only in the Level 1 book!  
Rapid Deploy is Altiris' imaging software. It is capable of image multicasting and can be used with PXE, boot floppies or embedded Bootworks
(Altiris' virtual boot floppy). There are many custom switches and command line options available.
Rapid Install
   Now available only in the Level 1 book!  
Rapid Install is a "baseline and snapshot" style software packaging tool. It can also edit files, folders and registry settings.

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